Saturday, January 29, 2011

knitting lust

I have just come across Tiny Owl Knits (links to ravelry page) and I am COMPLETELY in love, yes, caps are necessary! Below are a few of my favourite patterns, oh how I want them all:

deer hat with little antlers!

 this is not just a cute gnome house, it's a...
 needle holder! how insanely cute is that?
 and this cute bow is wonderful
this is probably my favourite though, a fawn poncho! I love ponchos, I love fawns, perfect!

All of these patterns are available to download through Ravelry. If you're a knitter and you don't know about it, please go there now and sign up, it's knitters heaven. There are so many free patterns and a place to document all of the needles you own and what's in your stash, and then you can search for patterns based on what yarn you own! Amazing.

Anyway, back to Tiny Owl Knits. I am totally in love with these patterns and will be buying them as soon as I can. The only thing I am struggling with at the moment is that since I am now vegan, I am trying to knit vegan as well, this means no animal fibers. So, felting is out of the question, as far as I know. I do have wool in my yarn stash already. I am just hoping it's the right kind of wool to be able to make these gnome house needle holders. I don't want to be wasteful :).

The designer of these gorgeous patterns has two awesome blogs for you to check out as well. Tiny Owl Knits blog and Owl in the Dark.

For now I am knitting this bow headband:

 Because I have found out that bows look cute in my pink hair. 

You can download the pattern for this headband free here.

Ah, knitting joy :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Complaining and gratitude training

I haven't been very happy with my job or what I am studying and it has affected all parts of my life. Sometimes it is really difficult to come to grips with what I am feeling and the emotions seem to take over, as if I'm not in control. Needless to say, it's been a frustrating year and I have been searching for ways to get through my own personal storm.

I was reading Jessica Mullen's "Introduction to Life Design" out of curiosity this morning. She has managed to make a living through lifecasting and creating a series of methodologies for life design. In short, she blogs and creates podcasts about the positive things in her life, creating the reality of her dreams. Of course I would be curious about reading her blog, I want to jump on that train! I recommend taking a look at the life design toolbox in this post. I really enjoyed reading about simple exercises to improve the way we think and live.

 (source: evasee)

Mullen's blog post also linked to the blog of Tim Ferriss (he wrote the 4-hour workweek book). I was a little unsure about this guy at first (probably because I am jealous of people who are successful at doing what they want to do, to be honest!), but a couple of articles really affected me. One is the 21-day no complaint experiment. Don't complain for 21 days and see how it trains your mind towards more productive and positive thinking. It seems so obvious now! I consider myself a fairly optimistic person, but the more I think about it, I do compain a lot. I am pretty keen to try this experiment out. I really want to make a positive change in my thinking and I think this is a really effective way to do it. The rules are pretty strict but I think if I at least try to monitor my thinking habits it's bound to have a positive result.

(source: tickledbylife)

 The other 'lesson' posted on Ferriss's blog is Gratitude Training. This is an article written for people who find it difficult or ineffective to meditate. I don't think it's difficult, I just find it hard to make time to meditate. There are so many other things I want to do during the too short day. However, gratitude training sounds perfect for me. You wake up in the morning and think about what you are grateful for and write them down. And you just keep adding to this list. I love journals and the act of writing something down with a pen (an activity I don't do very often anymore) inspires me. And, I really think that doing this first thing in the morning will provide me with a nice framework for the rest of the day. I have a gratitude journal  app on my iPhone, but I never remember to use it! I think if I can get in the habit of waking up and writing it will be must easier for me to be consistent.

I want to make myself a journal like this because it makes me laugh:

 (source: nowvember shop on Etsy)

Today I am grateful for being vegan. For all of the people who have put so much effort into creating AMAZING vegan recipes and lists. They have made it so easy to live as a vegan, just look at this accidentally vegan list! I feel so good having made this decision, my actions really align with my feelings and that makes me feel like I do have control over my actions and my life.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Panda Bread

Other than work and finishing the proposal for my Master's research project I have been obsessed with making this bread, OBSESSED!

(source: Perfect Pandas)

It's fairly serious. I have consulted all of my bread making friends and even thought about getting a bread maker so that I don't have to knead this by hand. I also have to veganize the recipe which makes it a bit more tricky. Ah, it's such a wonder to behold. I hope that I will have pictures of my finished loaf to post soon.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I saw that Kaylah from The Dainty Squid did this questionnaire (I have been going through and reading heaps of her older posts, love!) and I haven't done one in forever so I thought I'd give it a go.

1. Where is your cell phone:
in my bag with a dead battery :D I don't need it very much, I have my husband and my cats right here.

2. Your hair:
Hot pink (I didn't quite bleach it the right way so my former roots are a different pink that the rest of my hair! eep).

(weird picture of me but the only one I'm not cringing at! I look like I'm trying to be cool though :P)

3. Your mother:
Is the most giving person I have ever met.

4. Your father:
Sends me a lot of e-mail forwards :)

5. Your favorite food:
Mac n' Cheese, I'm currently trying to find the perfect vegan recipe.

6. Your dream from last night:
A party where a friend admitted something I know about but he hasn't told me about yet!

7. Your favorite drink:
Root Beer.

8. Your dream/goal:
Work at home making crafts with lots of animals around, living by the forest and the water.

9. What room are you in:
Living room.

10. What is your hobby:
Knitting and worrying.

11. What is your fear?
That something is going to burrow in my ear and deep dark water and death, naturally.

12. Where were you last night:
Sitting on my couch like I am now.

13. Something you are not:

14. Muffins:
The tops are tops!

15. Wish list items:
Lomo LC-A+, a Boston Terrier and a French Bulldog, aCanon Digital Rebel XSi with EF 50 mm f/1.8 II lens, a Fuji Instax Mini. Too many things really.

Product Image
(Source: Amazon)
16. Where did you grow up:
Aurora, Colorado.

17. Last thing you did:
hummed along to Daft Punk.

18. What are you wearing:
"Mister Mittens Big Adventure" T-Shirt from Threadless, long black skirt and a black cardigan.(Source: Threadless)

19. Your TV:
hasn't been on in months because we live on the 'dark side' of an extinct volcano and get horrible reception.

20. Your pets:
2 cats - Luna and her daughter Deimos (Luna does NOT like Deimos being around). They don't really like me, they are obsessed with my better half :(.

(Luna is in Thom's lap whenever she is inside!)

(Deimos- another example of Thom getting the cat lovin')

21. Your friends:
Most of them are very far away.

22. Your life:
Weird, still figuring out quite a few things.

23. Your mood:
Want ice cream and wondering why I have been so short tempered for the past 2 days. Maybe because I miss the hot springs we went to on Friday so much! I want to go back.

24. Missing someone:
My family and my friends who are in the U.S. still.

25. Vehicle:
I have a chauffeur, my husband :) He always drives our blue Nissan. Other than that I have 3 bikes that I would like to ride but it is too hilly where I live and I'm out of shape... pathetic really. Here's my pride and joy:

(isn't she beautiful!)

26. Something you’re not wearing:
socks, it's warm!

27. Your favorite store:
Etsy- is that cheating? If I have to choose a physical store it would be Sephora or a Betsey Johnson store.

28. Your favorite color:

29. When’s the last time you laughed:
Earlier today when I realised that Thom has the most incredible talent for talking without moving his lips. He just a huge grin he puts on, I literally fell over laughing.

30. When’s the last time you cried:

31. Your best friend:
is my husband.

32. One place you go over and over:
Corsair bay, which is really close to our flat. There is a really nice walk along the coast to it.

33. One person who emails me regularly:
My other vegan friend Andre, to plan awesome vegan activities.

34. Favorite place to eat:
Indian Sumner where they veganise their curry for me (ah, so good), and White Lily, a new vegetarian 'fast food' place on Manchester street. So cheap and they are sooo nice! Go support them!

35. Where do you want to be in 6 years:
Happy with my body and happy with the way I am making money. And possibly with kids :D

(P.S. my husband read this and thought a lot of it was sad :( I don't want to be a downer, but I did answer truthfully at time :) ) (P.P.S. I do a lot of smiley faces and a closed parentheses, it never looks right :P )

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vegan cookies, jellyfish and tattoos (ok, I'll say it...Oh MY!)

I love being vegan, I bake all the time, not to mention I feel really good. I am obsessed with "Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar" right now. I highly recommend it, but not if you're trying to lose weight. Even so, it does have a healthy-ish section. Ah, screw your resolutions, these are so good! My husband and friends are very happy right now and that is way more valuable than my (non-existent) waistline :). I thoroughly recommend the Peanut Butter Chocolate Pillows, Mexican Hot Chocolate Snickerdoodles (both recipes free on the Post Punk Kitchen website), and for something different the Peanut Apple Pretzel Drops are an awesome surprise. Here is a picture of these monsters in my oven last night:

I am also obsessed with all things Jellyfish at the moment. I am seriously wanting a jellyfish tattoo. I have never wanted a tattoo on my thigh, but I might have to reconsider. While I was trying to find a picture of the amazing Jellyfish in Milford Sound I found this:

Awesome. Okay, onto the next thing...

Tattoos. I have been spending a LOT of time on the web looking at people and their tattoos, one place in particular is:

Sometimes Sweet
- I love her Tattoo Tuesday posts. There are also a myriad of blogs links here for other tattoo obsessing.

I will have to spend some time compiling my tattoo wish list and post it sometime.

For now, I am really enjoying thinking about my own blog and writing without worrying too much about what people will think, why haven't I done this more often! Now I just need to work on making this blog look better. It will have to wait until I get my next proposal draft off to my supervisor and after my FIFTH ANNIVERSARY on Thursday!!!!!! We are going to Maruia Springs, a Japanese style hot spring (onsen) in Lewis Pass. I am so excited.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blogs I heart

I have never been a great reader of blogs, not until recently. Maybe it is my current desire to escape and fantasize, but I am loving reading certain blogs at the moment for their unique writers and content that makes me darn happy (fashion, home stuff, animals, cupcakes!). I check them everyday to see what my new favourite online people are up to. In fact, I have been so inspired by what these ladies are doing with their blogs that I have put aside my dislike for my writing style and decided to give blogging another go. If for no other reason, to keep track of what I am looking at. Hope you enjoy my inspiration:

The Dainty Squid - oh how many times I have laughed out loud at her cat pictures! I love the way Kaylah shares her crafty world with us. It's so nice to see another person who has bright hair and tattoos and loves to craft.

Gala Darling - I am such a sucker for Gala at the moment. I have needed the little nudges of confidence that she offers up. Plus there is so much pink, shiny, pretty stuff to look at. I love clicking on "Surprise Me" and seeing what comes up. A great mix of fashion, career, links, and love. Thanks for the boost Gala!

Wish Jar - Keri Smith is inspirational. I'm not an illustrator, but she makes me want to be. I have looked at the world a bit differently since I started reading her site. Check out the categories down the right side of her home page. A brilliant creative pick-me-up.

Sillygrrl - "Tattooed, web designer, puppy mama, vegetarian, wannabe circus freak". Awesome!

Elycia - I'm just starting to get into Elycia's blog (so many blogs, so little time) and I'm lovin' it.

New Zealand Tramper - And for something completely different, a little outdoor love. I went "tramping" or hiking for the first time last weekend and as difficult as it was I really long to sleep in more huts. So now I just read about all of the walks and daydream.